
26 June 2014

3rd Scottish Horse 1914-1915

This unit did not exist before the war. It was formed in August 1914 and my data for it is patchy. I will complete the sequence below when more verified dates on which numbers were issued, come to light.

447 joined on 18th August 1914
1264 joined on 26th May 1915
1290 joined on 3rd June 1915
1521 joined on 26th August 1915
1553 joined on 19th September 1915
1715 joined on 15th November 1915

A 2/3rd Scottish Horse and a 3/3rd Scottish Horse were formed during the First World War and these units also drew numbers from the same series above.

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  1. Thankyou for this information. My Grandfather, John Douglas of Bonhill Alexandria, born on 15 January 1897, was a member of the 3 Scottish Horse. I have his war medals to confirm this. His Regimentental number was 55. His medal card shows a second number, which I have to assume was issued on his reassignment to the Cameron Highlanders. My Father believed that my Grand Father was assigned to the Lovat Scouts, which is plausable. Are you able to point me in the direction of any nominal roll for the 3 SH recruits? Can I take it that as his regimental number was 55, he would have been enlisted in the first 447 in August 14? Regards Harvie Douglas

  2. I don't know of a nominal roll, I'm afraid. But start with your grandfather's entries on the medal rolls and see where that takes you. You will need to sign up to Ancestry in order to do this. My guess is that he was an August 1914 enlistment.


PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING. Thank you for visiting this blog. I welcome insights about regimental numbering but I do not have time to respond to individual research queries here. If you want me to undertake paid research, please follow the instructions on the RESEARCH tab.