
16 June 2014

South Nottinghamshire Hussars 1908-1914

This post will look at numbering in the South Nottinghamshire Hussars between 1908 and 1914.

Like the Sherwood Rangers, the South Nottinghamshire Hussars can trace its origins back to 1794. In April 1908 when it became the South Nottinghamshire Hussars, it started numbering from 1, the majority of the men joining that year being serving members of the Imperial Yeomanry. Samuel Clarke of Watnall, Nottingham was one of those former Imperial Yeoman. He attested on the 29th May 1908 and was given the number 117

By 1914 the South Nottinghamshire Hussars was headquartered at Derby Road, Nottingham, with its four squadrons disposed as follows:

A Squadron: Bingham, with drill stations at Carlton, Plumtree and Southwell
B Squadron: Watnall, with drill stations at Arnold and Eastwood
C Squadron: Nottingham
D Squadron: Wollaton, with a drill station at Long Eaton

The regiment formed part of the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Mounted Brigade which was administered from Nottingham.

255 joined on 29th May 1908
459 joined on 17th February 1909
564 joined on 17th January 1910
669 joined on 25th February 1911
746 joined on 13th January1912
858 joined on 15th January 1913
949 joined on 27th January1914
1006 joined on 9th August 1914
1046 joined on 15th September 1914
1408 joined on 12th October 1914

Two reserve units, the 2/1st and 3/1st, were formed during the First World War and both drew their numbers from the same series above.

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  1. This article starts about the South Notts Hussars, but in the Second paragraph continues to talk about the Sherwood Rangers - a different unit. So which one is the information about?


  2. Thanks for noting this typo; now checked and corrected. The blog post is about the South Notts Hussars.


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