
23 June 2014

Welsh Horse 1914-1916

The Welsh Horse was a new formation raised in 1914 and whilst it had no lineage to trace, it was at least unencumbered by earlier regimental numbering sequences. It started numbering, logically, from 1 in August 1914. By 19th August 1914, 120 men had already joined the regiment, and many more would follow that month and into September.

435 joined on 10th September 1914
478 joined on 10th November 1914
677 joined on 4th January 1915
953 joined on 7th February 1915
1233 joined on 20th May 1915
1284 joined on 1st June 1915
1388 joined on 13th July 1915
1447 joined on 1st November 1915
1569 joined on 15th December 1915
1724 joined on 31st March 1916
1757 joined on 14th April 1916
1772 joined on 1st May 1916

The regiment was initially attached to the North Midland Mounted Brigade of the 1st Mounted Division, later transferring to the Eastern Mounted Brigade in the same Division. Two reserve units, the 2/1st (formed in September 1914) and the  3/1st (formed in 1915) both drew their numbers from the same series above.

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  1. Hi, my dad researched one of my relatives a couple of years back. He’d served in WW1, Robert Read service number 355546 died 31/10/1917 buried in Beersheba cemetery. My parents visited the grave in 2014, I’ve just been trawling through photos on my mums iPad and came across the photos they took whilst there. Being a little more computer savvy I’ve just spent the afternoon doing a little more digging in to Roberts movements. It appears that he initially signed up to the welsh horse with a regt no. 78. And was a Pte acting Lce/Cpl. With his initial theatre being 2B Balkans. Date first in 8/10/1915.
    Can I make the assumption that he first signed up for duty with welsh horse? Then when moved from Gallipoli was merged into the Royal Welch Fusiliers and given a new service number in Egypt? I’ve got a lot of details but am struggling to map them out. I know that he received DCM in London gazette 18 feb 1918. Was this given posthumously?
    Thanks in advance for even the slightest info

  2. His medal card will give you that information, Steff. This man does have some surviving papers: Also have a look at The Long, Long Trail website and the Great War Forum.


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