
3 September 2018

15th Hussars - Other Rank PoWs 1914

These men of the 15th Hussars were all captured on or before the 25th December 1914. Read more about this data source on my 1914 PoWs page. This data has been transcribed from the Imperial War Museum's collection, specifically item B.O.2 1//161 which is five-page hand-written letter (two lists, with many identical details but some unique information against some men) dated 13th Jan 1919.   My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address of all of the men.

The full transcription is available for sale as part of a Hussars PoW roll - 350+ names in all - for £20. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy.

For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' see my 1914 PoWs page. The majority of these men will also have records published by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Searching is free; finding your man is another matter entirely.

3401 Corporal F Abbott, 728 Lance-Corporal F Aspinall, 4502/40335 Private W Atkins. 

7323 Private W Baker, 8640 Lance-Corporal G Ball, 123 Private F G Batt, 10189 Private J Blake, 2342 Private F A Butler.

4562/40345 Private W Cameron, 7318 Private G Causey, 7476 Private M Crow.

7362 Private E Dallard, 4742 Trumpeter Day.

8308 Private H Edwards.

8607 Private H Fudge.

7368 Corporal C Garforth, 4774/46407 Lance-Corporal Charles Gogarty, 746 Trumpeter G Goode, 5968 Private H Grant.

7403 Private G Hill.

656 Private A Johnson, 2494 Lance-Corporal F Johnson, 496 Private F W Johnson. 

4507/46336 Lance-Corporal A Lyons.

4412/46318 Saddler D McDonald, 4710 Private A McFarlane.

4475 Private W S Nicholson.

124 Private F Painter, 3564/46295 Private W Parsons, 3211 Private F Pearce, 3172 Private W Pearce, 1836 Private J Phillips.

4501 Cpl Ernest J Roffey, 4501 Corporal W Roffey, 4725/46387 Private J Rooke.

998 Private G Slack, 1055 Saddler C Stunt.

2616 Private G J Trump.

1033 Private W Webb, 5450 Private H Wells, 7231 Trumpeter Whitmore, 7332 Private G Wingrove, 4756/46398 Sergeant Ernest V Winyard.

566 Private A Young.

I research soldiers! 
Contact me if you need help with your military ancestor.

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