
12 September 2018

Highland Light Infantry - Other Rank PoWs 1914

There are 148 men on this list of men from the Highland Light Infantry who were captured by the Germans on or before Christmas Day 1914. This data has been transcribed from the  following Imperial War Museum collections:

B.O.2 1/144: a 5-page hand-written list sent to Sir Ernest Goodhart by HLI (Regular Battalions) Prisoners of War Help Committee, dated 24th December 1918
B.O.2 1/145: a 4-page typed list, of which the 4th page refers to Hampshire Regt PoWs and NOT HLI.  No date.

B.O.2 1/146: a single page hand-written list from Mrs A A Wolfe-Murray and 2nd HLI Prisoners of War Care Committee.  No date.

My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address and/or next of kin address of all of the men.  For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' see my 1914 PoWs page. The majority of these men will also have records published by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Searching is free; finding your man is another matter entirely.

The full transcription is available for sale for £20. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy.

I research soldiers! 
Contact me if you need help with your military ancestor.

10591 Private T Allen, 11381 Lance-Corporal W Anderson, 11402 Corporal William G Armstrong, 10319 Private James Atkins.

11538 Private A Ball, 11379 Private W Ball, 11018 Private G Bell, 11838 Private I Blackadder, 10794 Private Thomas Blaney, 9898 Private George Bond, 11013 Private John Bowman, 11125 Private George Brialey, 5337 CSM Robert Brisbane, 10433 Private Ernest Brown, 10449 Private George C Brown, 11549 Private Robert Brown, 11293 Private Albert E J Burgess, 11466 Private Stephen Burns, 10402 Private William G Burns.

11454 Private James Campbell, 11568 Corporal Paul Campbell, 11608 Private D Carmichael, 11063 Private Andrew Cleland, 9980 Sergeant George H J Connelly, 10751 Private Edward Connor, 9632 Private J Copeland, 11967 Private Robert Croft, 11668 Private James P Davidson, 11652 Private Norman W Dibley, 10904 Private William Dixon, 10514 Private J Docherty, 9765 Private P Doherty, 11239 Private J Donnachie, 11562 Lance-Corporal A Drugan.

11128 Private W Eaglesham, 11968 Lance-Corporal S Esson, 8075 Private J Fairweather, 11218 Lance-Corporal J Fraser.

11506 Private S Gaw, 11388 Private H Gibson, 11680 Private R Gillespie, 11460 Private W Gilliland, 10278 Private A Gillon, 11362 Private W Gough, 11617 Private C Graham, 8663 Private Darkin Hartog, 8508 Lance-Corporal C Head, 11458 Private Andrew Henderson, 11624 Private Robert Henry, 12036 Private Thomas Howe, 10250 Private H Hughes, 11311 Private Charles Hullock, 9904 Private F Hutchins.

11826 Private Patrick Jinks, 10555 Sergeant George A Johnson, 11533 Private James Johnstone, 11192 Lance-Corporal William Johnstone.

12237 Private J Kane, 9982 Lance-Corporal James M M Kellie, 11561 Private James Kennedy, 10807 Private James Knowles.

11368 Private Robert Lafferty, 7166 Private Stanley W Lamond, 8955 Sergeant John Lawson, 11735 Private M Lenaghan, 11263 Private Arthur W Lewis, 10068 Private R Liddell, 11326 Private Alexander Logan, 11087 Private Andrew Logie, 11678 Private J Lyttle.

11196 Piper T Macdonald, 10525 Lance-Corporal L Machin, 11688 Private John M Mackenzie, 7777 Sergeant John B Marshall, 11198 Private James Matthews, 11792 Private Bernard McAdams, 11178 Private P McAdams, 11174 Private Thomas McCabe, 7108 Private D McDougal, 11055 Private Hugh McGlashan, 11660 Private J McIntosh, 10791 Private John McKay, 11551 Lance-Corporal Alexander McKenzie, 11596 Private D McKinstrey, 11656 Private Norman McLeod, 10167 Sergeant A McMillan, 11643 Private Neil McNeil, 8128 Private W McQueen, 10037 Private J McReadie, 1234 Private Ewan McTeagle, 11057 Private W Melvin, 10420 Lance-Corporal G Messan, 5170 CSM W Miller, 10349 Lance-Corporal T Mitchell, 11137 Private A Morrow, 7677 Sergeant A Mortimer, 10775 Private John Mullen, 8986 Private Patrick Murphy, 11249 Private John Murray, 10800 Private W Murray.

11170 Private S Newlands, 8980 Private W Nicholson

8158 Lance-Corporal J O'Hare, 11213 Private C Olding.

11094 Private H Patterson, 9421 Private John F Peck, 11559 Private Charles Porter, 7853 Sergeant David Potter.

11813 Private Harry Ramsay, 10352 Private John Reddy, 11489 Lance-Corporal James L Robertson, 9364 Private D Rose, 11574 Private John Ross, 11285 Private Frederick G D Rouse.

11421 Lance-Corporal Frank Saggers, 11261 Lance-Corporal Frank Salisbury, 10983 Private P Salton, 10756 Private Ernest Sargeant, 10427 Private William T Sayers, 10821 Private David Scott, 11762 Private W Sedley, 10434 Private T Shellard, 11067 Private Peter Skivine, 11823 Private W Small, 10640 Private A Smith, 10446 Private Herbert S Solly, 11439 Corporal A Strathdee.

12021 Private Robert Tarburn, 11917 Private Ernest J Tew, 9742 Private W Tough, 11364 Private P Traynor, 10361 Private J Vennard.

11862 Private John Wallace, 11059 Private W Walsh, 10457 Corporal A Ward, 10633 Private A Welfare, 11407 Private R Welsh, 11229 Private W White, 10760 Private Robert Wildgoose, 10973 Private J Willis, 9130 Private A Wilson, 9269 Private J Wilson, 10230 Lance-Corporal R Wilson, 10764 Private E Wiltcher, 9129 Sergeant W Wolstencroft, 10647 Private C Wright.

11684 Private T Young, 10953 Private W Young.

The image at the top of this post is courtesy The Imperial War Museum and shows men of the 9th (Glasgow Highlnders) Battalion in trenches during the First World War.

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