Showing posts with label 1914. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1914. Show all posts

21 September 2018

Royal Marines - Other Rank PoWs 1914

The 333 men on this list were all serving with the Royal Marines when they were captured in 1914. The data comes from two sources now archived at the Imperial War Museum:

  • B.O.2 1/187 is a 117-page typed list of Royal Naval Division men taken prisoner before Christmas 1914
  • B.O.2 1/223 is a nine-page typed document sent by the Adjutant General, Royal Marines. Dated 13th January 1919.  Information noted in "Other Information" is "Present Disposal" 
My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address and/or next of kin address of all of the men, plus date of birth and peacetime occupation for some.

The full transcription is available for sale for £20. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy.

For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' see my 1914 PoWs page. Any transcription errors are my own.

I research soldiers! 
Contact me if you need help.

Po/10901 & B/1221 Private J A Abell, Po/17367 Private A Aindow, Po/14759 & B/1217 Private H J Allen, Po/16966 Private A Allinson, Po/8861 & B/1134 Private J Andrews, Po/17439 Private A E Arbon

Po/16918 Private P Bailey, Po/11013 Private P G H Bailey, Po/17387 Private A E Balmer, Ply/10383 Sergeant J Balsom, Po/10228 Private J H Banyard, Po/16226 Private F J Barnard, Po/13674 Private F J Barnard, Po/16642 Private A J Barnes, Po/16849 Private C G Barnett, Po/14649 Private C G Barnett, Po/17262 Private F S Barney, Ply/8464 Private C E Barreyatt, Po/11980 & B/741 Private C Batham, Po/7140 & B/718 Private G Batts, RMA/3429 Sergeant G Beagley, RMA/3357 Colour-Sergeant G Beautyman, Po/14100 Sergeant E Beckett, B/1237 Private H Bell, Ch/11299 & B/1751 Private F Bigsworth, Po/12777 & B/1158 Private J Blendall, Po/17294 Private F Boniface, RMA/2716 Sergeant A E Bowles, Ch/14765 Private W H Brand, Po/15359 Private A J F Breslin, Po/16263 Private C Brewer, Po/12380 & B/1386 Private H M Brooks, Po/13333 Private H H Broomfield, Po/17407 Private H Broomhead, Po/2031 Colour-Sergeant A Brown, Po/15309 Private F C Brown, Po/12934 & RFR/B/987 Private A J Buckley, Ch/7481 Colour-Sergeant T A Bull, Po/9850/3/1173 Private O Burgess, Po/7122 Private J E A Burrow, Po/9850/RFR & B/1094 Private G Burt, Po/12208 & RFR/798 Private W J Burton, Po/10102 Colour-Sergeant Burton, Po/5112 Corporal J Bush, Ply/16384 Private S Butler 

Po/3421/RFR & a/508 Private A Calwell, Po/17345 Private J Canning, Po/8146 Private W G Capel, Po/17250 Private A Caplehorn, Po/10379 & RFR/B/1078 Private E H Catchpole, Po/17394 Private G Catchpole, Po/17243 Private G Cathray, Po/15052 & RFR/B/1344 Private G W Chambers, Ch/5334 QMSI J Chandler, Po/17390 Private J Chapman, Po/11569 & RFR/S/1296 Private J H Chapman, Po/9027 Private H A Chappell, Po/10912 Private E Chinn, Po/17373 Private B W Chinnery, Po/10903 Private J A Christie, Po/17077 Private F A Ciappesoni, Po/9532 & RFR/277B Private J Clark, Po/1162 Private J Clarke, Po/3421 Private W J Clarke, Po/15052 Private J W Clifton, Po/17406 Private G H Clint, Po/12965 & RFR/B/1066 Private S S Coates, Po/8045 A/RM Gunner T Cobb, Po/15689 Private J T Coker, Po/17279 Private J S Collett, Po/17270 Private L S Collett, Po/17031 Private G W Cook, Po/16968 Private W Cooper, Po/12797 Private D Coughlin, Po/15432 Private E Cousins, Po/16998 Private F Cowdry, Po/15684 Private W Cowell, Po/17318 Private B Cowley, Po/10903 & RFR/B/1232 Private J T Coxen, Po/13080 Private J T Coxon, Po/9532 Private M W Cranwell, Po/17253 Private W E Cummings, Po/9901 Colour-Sergeant W F Cursons

Po/16885 Private M S Dalton, Ply/16496 Private A Davidson, Po/16850 Private W Davidson, Po/17010 Private A Davis, Po/16580 Private W Davison, PO/17339 Private W R Dean, PO/17284 Private V H Deane, Po/8571 Colour-Sergeant C H Devanter, Po/9823 Private P Dickens, Po/5691 Corporal W Dilley, Po/17427 Private A J Dilloway, Po/10904 & RFR/B/1210 Private B G Dimond, Po/17352 Private F Dodds, Po/17405 Private N Dougherty, Po/2204 & RFR/B/181 Private E R Doughty, Po/12323 & RFR/B/1379 Private F H Dovey, Po/17275 Private F H W Drover, Po/17357 Private R W Dulley, Po/16940 Private J Duncan

Po/10042 & RFR/B/1079 Private J Eagles, Po/17377 Private S Edwards, Po/17379 Private A E Elliott, Po/15097 Pte C Evans, Ch/10904 Private C F Evans, L8/2651 Leading Seaman C Eveleigh, Po/4373/643 Lance-Corporal W A Everard

Ch/18520 Private W Fazackerley, Po/17083 Private A F Featherstone, Po/4199 Colour-Sergeant G Ferrison, Po/5898 Sergeant F W Field, Po/11194 & RFR/B/1256 Private J W W Fielder, Po/17228 Private W J Finlayson, Po/12868 Private W S Fleet, Po/9596/RFR & B/1042 Private G Ford, Ply/16397 Private W G Ford, Po/17256 Private G H Foster, Po/17251 Private F Fowler, Po/8406 Private C Franklin, Po/17343 Private T W H French, Po/6145 Colour-Sergeant H Fretton, Po/11189 Private C J Fry, Po/15661 Private N J T Fry, Po/3775 Sergeant H H Fullilove, Ch/3987 Colour-Sergeant J Furze

Po/16980 Pte G C Gibbs, Po/17043 Pte W J Gillam, Po/16982 Private H J Goddard, Po/10792 Colour-Sergeant A Grange, Po/5924 Sergeant A A Grant, Po/17022 Private S J Greenwood, Po/6349 &RFR/A/901 Private E C Grout, Po/13174 Corporal S Guttridge

Po/6798 & RFR/B/803 Private P J Haddrell, Po/11745 Private E Hall, Po/13884 & RFR/B/1070 Private W J Hall, Captain & Quarter Master J Hammond, Po/4856 & RFR/B/702 Private F Hampson, Po/11924 & RFR/B/1317 Private E Handsom, Po/10761 Private A E Harding, Po/11118 & RFR/B/629 Private B Hardwick, Po/11118 Private B Hardwick, Po/15397 Bugler H Harlow, Po/7769 & RFR/B/670 Private H Hastings, Po/17087 Private F Healey, Po/5979 & RFR/B/511 Private H G Hewitt, Po/7410 Sergeant J W Hicks, Po/17260 Private A Hill, Po/14913 & RFR/B/1260 Private C F Hind, Po/6135 Private C C Hobbs, Po/9055 & RFR/B/977 Private W J Hodges, Po/14268 & RFR/B/1212 Private P Hollaway, Po/17246 Private W Hooper, Po/17015 Private G Hopkinson, Po/9691 Private J Horsbrugh, Po/17055 Private S G Howard, Po/3252 & RFR B/480 Private J Hudson, Po/15701 Private H C Humby, Po/7741 Acting Sergeant-Major A Humphrey, Po/16902 Private G S Hunt, Po/8771 Private W G Hutchings

Po/10717 Private P E Jackson, Po/12354 Private W T Jackson, Ply/16380 Private J Jefferies, Po/17092 Private F Johnson, Po/13199 Sergeant G Johnson, Po/15619 Private F C Jones, Po/11706 Corporal M Joy, Po/16913 Private W Joyce

Po/17163 Bugler D Kearns, Ch/9080 & RFR/B/1009 Private C Kenton, Po/10446 & RFR/B/387 Private J W Kirk, RMB/1144 Band Corporal W J Knowles

Ch/5581 A Leatt, Po/17064 Private E C Lilley, Ply/16237 Private W Lockwood, Po/17277 Private E Lockyer, Po/5876 Colour-Sergeant P E Low, Po/17000 Private R Lumbkin, Ch/8222 Sergeant A E Lyne

Po/17410 Private E Mack, Po/12388 Private H E Mantell, 16999 A Markhurst, Po/15721 Private S Markwick, Po/C/15721 Private T S Markwick, Po/16609 Private A H Marshall, Po/17049 Private W Marsham, Po/17433 Private C B Maso, Po/16796 Private F E Masters, Po/16805 Private G May, Ply/11567 Sergeant J McArdle, Ply/10879 & RFR/S/1279 Private D McIlvenny, Ply/10803 & RFR/B/334 Private W McKay, Po/16282 Private J McKee, Po/17025 Private J McKenzie, Po/8157 & RFR/B/877 Private A McKinnon, Ch/10038 Corporal W H Meloy, Po/8837 & RFR/B/946 Private J C Meredith, Po/7944 & RFR/B/527 Private E F Merritt, Po/14871 Private F Merritt, RMA/3018 Colour-Sergeant S J Miller, Po/17021 Private W G Miller, Po/10774 & RFR/B/1204 Private G Millward , Po/11727 & RFR/B/1305 Private J Minshall, Ply/11015 Corporal A F Monro, Po/14653 & RFR B/1266 Private C T Moore, Po/16953 Private J A Moore, Po/6979 & RFR/B/626 Private T Moore, Po/15343 Private C E Morris, Ply/16349 Private J Morris , Po/9697 Colour-Sergeant J Morrison, Po/16904 Private H J Moulding, Ch/18525 Private W A Moule, Po/17317 Private F Muncaster, Po/16755 Private J T Murphy, Po/10047 Colour-Sergeant J M Murrell

Po/11750 Private T Nash, Po/17423 Private A E W Neate, Po/9119 & RFR/B/1000 Private J Newson, Po/14050 Private F I Newton, Po/14050 & RFR/B/1147 Private F J Newton, Ply/16356 E E Nicholls, Po/11676 Colour-Sergeant K C Nicoll, Po/16898 Private R A Norris

Po/13267 & RFR/A/915 Private F Oakes, Po/10106 & RFR/B/567 Private A H Oliver, Po/10339 Private W Osborne

Ch/9427 Private E Page, 1366/9427 Private E G Page, Po/11731 & RFR/B/1308 Private J Parker, Po/16784 Private W G Parrack, Po/3379 & RFR/A/804 Colour-Sergeant H E Parslow, Po/5637 Private W Patchcott, Po/16868 Bugler W Pearse, Po/15734 Private W Penfare, Po/16739 Private F R J Penfold, Po/9145 & RFRB/684 Private J Pople, Po/17009 Private H G Porter, Po/12371 Private E Porton, Po/3918 & RFR/A/576 Private H Poulson, Po/9199 Colour-Sergeant W J Pratt, Po/5333 Corporal A Preston, Po/9574 Private A Price, Po/3642 AB R T Puncher, Po/11600 & RFR/B/1384 Private M A Pym, CH/8284 &amp

RFR/B1383 Private E Quinn

Po/11187 &amp RFR/B/1234 Private E A Radford, Po/10263 & RFR/B/638 Private R Randall, Po/11825 & RFR/B/1315 Private J Redmond, Po/5664 & RFR/A/805 Private J Reed, Po/10995 Private M Regan, Po/10995 & RFR/B/1246 Private M Regan, Po/12366 & RFR/B/1390 Private F F Reynolds, Po/8914 & RFR/B/971 Private A W Ribbans, Po/16793 Private A Richardson, Po/15176 Private F W Robbins, Po/17347 Private H A Roberts, Po/9002 & RFR/B/973 Private M Robinson, Po/13902 & RFR/B/1002 Private A V Rowles, Po/10561 Private H Rozier, Po/9008 & RFR/B/657 Private J Rumble

Po/5271 & RFR/B/142 Private J F Sandall, RMB/1992 Musician J W Sanders, Po/17050 Private F W Sargison, Po/14696 Private C L Savage, Po/16911 Bugler T G Sawford, Po/17232 Private W E Scotney, Po/8404 & RFR/B/534 Private F G Sedman, Po/17408 Private H Shaw, Po/9604 & RFR/B/115 Private J Shell, Po/5810 Colour-Sergeant G Shepherd, Po/17633 Private E Shercold, Po/17033 Private S C Shergold, Ch/8911 & RFR/B/1317 Private J J Short, Po/13063 & RFR/B/861 Private E J Simmons, Po/10226 & RFR/B/575 Private C W Sims, Po/3948 Private W Sizer, Po/11988 & RFR/B/1334 Pensioner Private F G Smith, Ch/16409 Corps H W Smith, Po/17002 Pensioner Private L Smith, Po/16900 Private W Smith, Po/16874 Private W G Smith, Po/16873 Private F C Snelling, Po/10808 Private W Sonley, Po/11905 & RFR/B/1369 Private H Spackman, Po/14088 Sergeant O U Spearing, Po/2849 Sergeant G B Sperring, Po/17082 Private A H Stanton, RMA/10751 & RFR/B/325 Gunner J Steele, Po/8866 & RFR/A/611 Private J T Steele, Po/13331 Private A Stokes, Po/11504 Private H Stordy, Po/11004 Private H H Stordy, Po/17088 Private A J Summers

Po/17389 Private J Tatton, Po/8357 Corporal N Tether, Po/5218 & RFR/B/347 Private J J Thomas, Po/16228 Private W Thorn, Po/17005 Private H J Tilley, Po/14071 Private A C Tulley, Po/8529 & RFR/B/907 Private C H Turberfield, RMB/1938 Musician A J Turner, Po/12866 & RFR/B/1202 Private F Turner, Po/16944 Private J Tweedie

Po/12362 & RFR/B/1396 Private W Waldram, Po/15663 Private F C Walker, Po/10843 Private J Waller, Po/11686 Private L O Walton, Po/13229 & RFR/B/1269 Private E W Ward, Po/16917 Private F Warner, Po/17269 Private B W Warren, Po/10560 & RFR/B/1178 Private F Warren, Po/13849 Sergeant G H A Waskett, Po/12042 & RFR/B/908 Private E P Watson, Po/13698 & RFR/B/1249 Private W Watts, Po/17040 Private E D Waugh, Po/10819 Private R J West, Po/16869 Private T West, Ply/14110 Private C Wheelwright, Po/7504 Private E White, Po/17295 Private F A White, Po/17090 Private G W White, Po/17093 Private F Wicks, Po/15709 Private W J Wilkie, Po/3453 Pensioner Private C Wilkins, Po/16847 Private J Wilson, Po/15229 Private F Winterbourne, Po/14675 Private G Woodberry, Po/15776 Private J Woodland

RMB/1969 Musician G J Young, Po/12021 & RFR/B/1130 Private R Young

19 September 2018

3rd Dragoon Guards - Other Rank PoWs 1914

These are just four men on my 'Princess Mary Tin" list of 1914 Prisoners of War. Their names appear on the following list catalogued at the Imperial War Museum:
  • B.O.2 1/46: a list of 2nd Dragoon Guards and 3rd Dragoon Guards men captured and taken PoW prior to 25/12/1914.
My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address and/or next of kin address of all of the men.

For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' (my terminology) see my 1914 PoWs page. 

1978 Private W Hankins

4826 Private Denis Manning 
4701 Private R Mays 
5505 Private A H Overy

I research soldiers! 

Contact me if you need help.

15 September 2018

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers - Other Rank PoWs 1914

There are 102 men on this list of men from the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers who were captured by the Germans on or before Christmas Day 1914. I have transcribed this data from the following Imperial War Museum collection:

B.O.2 1/141: a 7-page typed list sent to Sir Ernest Goodhart, date unknown.

My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address and/or next of kin address and date of capture of all of the men. 

The full transcription is available for sale for £20. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy.

For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' see my 1914 PoWs page. The majority of these men will also have records published by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Searching the website is free; finding your man can be somewhat more challenging.

I research soldiers! 
Contact me if you need help.

10542 Private Sidney Barr, 10208 Private Charles Breslin, 8692 Private John Burnside, 10567 Private William Byrne.

10342 Private William Carlin, 10214 Private Joseph Carr, 7496 Private William Carson, 9129 Private Alexander Cash, 9649 Private Robert Clarkin, 10549 Private Joseph Clint, 7285 Private Edward Collard, 7026 Private James Conaghan, 6422 Private William Corbett, 8606 Lance-Corporal Patrick Corcoran, 9264 Sergeant Alfred Cowell, 7190 Private James Crawford, 9929 Private Robert Curry.

8024 Private James Devlin, 6965 Lance-Corporal John Dornan, 7804 Private William E Duffy.

7431 Private George Emms.

6847 Private Henry Farr, 7726 Private Alexander Feehely, 8014 Private George Feeney, 8199 Private George W Fleming, 8432 Private Patrick Flynn, 7712 Private James Fulton.

6401 Private Charles G Gardiner, 9029 Private Edward Gavagan, 7688 Private Michael Gilfedder, 7292 Private Percy G Goodall.

10552 Private Andrew Hamilton, 6936 Private Michael Harte, 4526 Private John Haslin, 8164 Sergeant Magnus Hedge, 7424 Lance-Corporal Samuel Hill, 7233 Private James Holmes.

8232 Sergeant Joseph Irwin.

7282 Private Walton Jones.

7957 Private James Keaveney, 8035 Private Patrick J Keenan, 10348 Private Charles T Kirby, 10001 Private Reginald Knight.

7069 Private John Linton, 10712 Private John J Loughran.

6749 Private William MacFarlane, 7435 Private Joseph Mackenna, 7036 Private Charles Madden, 10467 Private Alexander McBride, 6718 Private James McCallion, 10480 Private Thomas McCormick, 9689 Private William McCoy, 8050 Private Francis McCreanor, 8194 Private John McCullough, 9513 Private Thomas McDermott, 7501 Private Patrick McGinley, 8851 Michael McGlinchey, 10538 Private John McGookin, 10462 Private Walter McIlroy, 10232 Private Lawrence McLoughlin, 8374 Private Henry McNally, 7521 Private Frederick McNulty, 7912 Private Thomas McQuade, 6469 Private Thomas Miller, 6838 Corporal Hamilton Mitchell, 7303 Private Joseph Moore, 7304 Private Robert Moore, 9011 Private William Moore, 10202 Private Edward Morrow, 8973 Private James D Moylan, 6000 Private Joseph Muldoon, 9355 Sergeant Walter Murrell.

7273 Private John Naughton.

9487 Private James Orr.

8731 Private Robert Patterson

9579 Lance-Corporal Robert Reynolds, 9561 Private Patrick Rice, 7810 Private Francis Richards, 8581 Private John Robinson, 7790 Private Patrick Roche, 6855 Private George Roy.

10643 Private Kier Simms, 10317 Private Thomas Skelly, 8289 Private Horace Skinner, 7417 Private John Smythe, 8981 Private Harry R Southwood, 6621 Private William Spence, 7667 Private Edward Starkie, 6468 Private William Stewart, 8197 Private James Sweeney.

8225 Private William Telford, 8142 Private Joseph Thompson.

8693 Private William Wallace, 5728 Sergeant James Walsh, 9675 Drummer Charles Warden, 7520 Private Henry White, 8167 Lance-Corporal Robert Wilkinson, 10164 Private Edward Wilson, 7743 Private Francis Wilson, 7910 Private Robert Winter, 7618 Private Alfred Wood.

9679 Private William J Young,

Royal Dublin Fusiliers - Other Rank PoWs 1914

There are 388 men on this list of men from the Royal Dublin Fusiliers who were captured by the Germans on or before Christmas Day 1914. I have transcribed this data from the following Imperial War Museum collection:
B.O.2 1/60: an 11-page listing of Royal Dublin Fusiliers taken PoW before 25th December 1914.  List submitted to Sir Ernest Goodhart on the 6th January 1919.

My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address and/or next of kin address and date of capture of all of the men. 

The full transcription is available for sale for £25. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy.

For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' see my 1914 PoWs page. The majority of these men will also have records published by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Searching is free; finding your man is another matter entirely.

I research soldiers! 
Contact me if you need help.

9512 Private C Alcock, 5844 Private R Andrew.

8958 Private P Babester, 8548 Private J Baird, 9467 Private M Baker, 11538 Private J Balance, 5655 Bandsman W Bardsell, 8811 Private T Behan, 7819 Private J Bell, 9033 Private J Bergin, 8807 Private W Bergin, 9084 Private C Berkley, 10423 Private P Berry, 10059 Private J Bogue, 11649 Private J Bollard, 5939 Private J Boulton, 9189 Private M Bowden, 10419 Sergeant J Bradley, 10540 Private W Bradshaw, 11443 Private M Brady, 11328 Private R Brayne, 9374 Private J Brennan, 7999 Private J Brennan, 8810 Private P Brennan, 11457 Private J Brien, 11287 Private J Brien, 11125 Private P Brindley, 10486 Corporal H Brown, 9118 Private M Bryan, 11498 Private P Bryan, 11546 Private J Buckley, 11438 Private H Burke, 7502 Private G Burns, 11472 Private J Byrne, 9480 Private J Byrne, 8292 Private L Byrne, 8516 Private M Byrne, 8802 Private M Byrne, 8883 Sergeant T Byrne, 11332 Private W Byrne.

8797 Private J Callaghan, 11412 Lance-Corporal J Campbell, 10083 Private R Cann, 11348 Sergeant F Carolan, 10643 Corporal S Carr, 9483 Private J Carroll, 10618 Private L Carroll, 11537 Private M Carroll, 9001 Private P Carty, 11643 Private M Casey, 7923 Private W Casey, 8664 Private T Cassin, 6731 Private J Cathcart, 11523 Private M Caulfield, 11316 Private A Chestnutt, 9309 Private J Clare, 11266 Private P Cleary, 8574 Private B Clinton, 7933 Private P Clinton, 8640 Private T Clitheroe, 9212 Private J Coad, 9292 Private J Colelough, 11166 Private W Colelough, 9624 Private J Collins, 8830 Private J Collins, 11613 Private T Collins, 10865 Private M Condron, 11491 Corporal J Connolly, 11611 Private J Connolly, 10223 Private T Connolly, 11505 Private T Connolly, 9606 Private J Conroy, 9120 Private P Convey, 11377 Lance-Corporal D Conway, 9567 Private E Cooper, 9817 Private W Copley, 9394 Bandsman Charles Cosgrove, 11477 Private H Costello, 9858 Private P Costello, 8900 Private P Couch, 8923 Private P Crampton, 8795 Private D Creedon, 9933 Private D Crimin, 8929 Private A Crossley, 11555 Private J Crowe, 9724 Private P Cunnigham, 11176 Private H Cunningham, 10552 Private H Curran, 11324 Private J Curry, 8544 Private J Cusack.

10734 Private P Dalton, 9003 Private J Daniels, 10184 Lance-Corporal C Darcy, 9518 Private G Davis, 8993 Private J Day, 8566 Private R Day, 8910 Private J Deane, 10803 Private P Delaney, 11303 Private G Desmond, 11296 Private M Devlin, 9635 Private W Devlin, 11599 Private J Dillon, 7706 Private P Doherty, 9816 Private J Dolan, 7330 Private J Donoghoe, 7576 Private N Donoghue, 9744 Private T Donoghue, 8738 Private P Donohue, 11282 Private T Donohue, 9452 Private W Doolin, 8630 Private J Doran, 11434 Private E Dorey, 6203 Private C Dowling, 9319 Private J Dowling, 7623 Private L Downey, 6683 Private F Doyle, 8965 Lance-Corporal J Doyle, 10317 Corporal J Doyle, 11662 Private J Doyle, 7528 Private J Doyle, 8876 Private M Doyle, 8888 Private W Dudley, 8953 Private M Duggan, 11420 Private T Duggan, 9552 Private J Dunne.

11619 Private J Egan, 9691 Private W Egan, 11364 Private T English, 11564 Pte Thomas English, 11487 Private B Ennis.

11311 Private E Farrell, 11270 Private P Fennelly, 8963 Private L Findlon, 9114 Private L Fitzpatrick, 9393 Private M Fitzpatrick, 11586 Private J Flood, 9805 Private J Foley, 8940 Private W Foley, 11299 Lance-Sergeant G Forster, 11433 Private J Foy, 9320 Private W Fry.

9400 Private L Gaffney, 10355 Drummer W Gamble, 4508 Private P Garry, 10465 Private H Gelshon, 7636 Private M Geoghegan, 7955 Private T Geoghegan, 10116 Private H Gibson, 9411 Private T Gillearan, 8879 Private G Glynn, 9311 Private J Graham, 9704 Private J Grahen, 7928 Private W Green, 11529 Private E Greene, 7007 Private J Griffin, 10343 Private J Griffin, 6351 Private A Gros, 11055 Private R Groves.

10426 Private S Hall, 11259 Private J Hanlon, 10521 Private T Hardy, 11292 Private G Harman, 8646 Private T Hart, 9259 Private P Harvey, 11289 Private P Hassin, 9437 Lance-Corporal F Hatfield, 11137 Private G Hatfield, 8961 Private R Hawe, 9270 Private J Hayden, 9935 Private W Hearne, 11620 Private J Heelihan, 7150 Private W Heffernan, 7497 Private P Hennessy, 9198 Private w Hennessy, 8984 Private C Hickey, 9602 Private T Higgins, 7628 Private W Higgins, 11081 Private F Hilton, 6680 Sergeant E Hoey, 9129 Private B Hogan, 9098 Private J Holden, 11271 Private W Holligan, 9629 Private P Holloran, 7964 Private J Hoystead, 11390 Private J Hughes, 9670 Private J Hunt, 9146 Private J Hynes, 9562 Private R Hynes.

10943 Private G Ives, 10158 Private M Ivory.

10258 Private S Jackson, 7201 Private W James, 11543 Private R Jenkinson, 11110 Private J Jennette, 8718 Private J Jennings, 11100 Sergeant J Jones, 11185 Private H Judge

11482 Private H Kain, 9224 Private C Kane, 10040 Private C Kavanagah, 6413 Private P Kavanagh, 7629 Private D Keegan, 11588 Private E Keegan, 7943 Private T Keegan, 11365 Private F Keeling, 10559 Sergeant H Keeling, 10649 Sergeant P Kehoe, 8703 Private T Kelleher, 9324 Private J Kelly, 9348 Private P Kelly, 5971 Private S Kelly, 9587 Private T Kelly, 9021 Private W Kelly, 8925 Private C Kennedy, 10240 Private P Kennedy, 11614 Private E Keogh, 10662 Private J Keogh, 11485 Private J Keogh, 8580 Private R King, 10752 Corporal E Kitchen

11659 Private M Lambe, 10509 Private T Lambert, 10036 Private W Leary, 8932 Private J Leonard, 7575 Private J Levey, 6396 Private A Loftus, 8565 Private P Lynch, 11566 Private S Lyttle

5869 Private T Mackey, 9206 Private M Maher, 11531 Private J Mahon, 11594 Private J Mahon, 11315 Private P Mahon, 8716 Private D Mahoney, 9623 Private J Mahony, 7615 Lance-Corporal J Martin, 11302 Private M Martin, 8816 Private W Martin, 10047 Private W Martin, 10663 Drummer J Masterson, 10505 Sergeant J Mathews, 8962 Private J McAsey, 10182 Corporal J McCabe, 7990 Private P McCabe, 7991 Private J McCann, 10981 Private J McCann, 11501 Private P McCann, 11427 Private P McCarthy, 11462 Private T McCarthy, 7947 Private F McCord, 9069 Private E McCormack, 7703 Private J McCue, 11385 Private J McDonagh, 11665 Private C McDonald, 11476 Private J McDonald, 9197 Private T McDonald, 9094 Private J McDonnell, 11223 Private J McDonnell, 8543 Private C McNamara, 7961 Private W McVeigh, 9616 Private J Meade, 10279 Private P Meaney, 9538 Private F Mitten, 7666 CQMS W Molloy, 11402 Private B Moore, 9141 Private J Moran, 11580 Private P Moran, 11720 Private P Morland, 8744 Private P Morrissey, 9231 Private P Mullady, 7650 Private R Mullen, 7898 Private H Murphy, 11526 Private J Murphy, 10183 Private L Murphy, 6733 Private M Murphy, 8661 Private P Murphy, 9128 Private J Murray, 7984 Private J Murray, 10106 Private J Murray.

7521 Private T Nelson, 10868 Sergeant R Nix, 11527 Private M Nolan, 8639 Private S Nolan, 9429 Private T Nolan, 11242 Private W Noonan, 7396 Private J Noone, 11606 Private J Noone, 9008 Private R Norris.

8735 Private P O'Brien, 11608 Private J O'Connor, 8827 Lance-Corporal W O'Connor, 11288 Private T O'Glesby, 11532 Private T O'Leary, 11234 Private C O'Loughlin, 11460 Private D O'Neill, 9035 Private H O'Neill, 11340 Private J O'Neill, 11285 Private P O'Neill, 11488 Corporal W O'Neill, 11237 Corporal W O'Neill, 11194 Private J O'Reilly, 9803 Private T O'Reilly, 5128 Corporal P O'Rourke, 10508 Private J O'Sullivan, 10009 Private J Oxberry.

16333 Private J Park, 7303 Private C Partridge, 10479 Private A Peake, 9194 Private P Pender, 11394 Corporal B Phelan, 8990 Private P Phillips, 9337 Private R Pielow, 11444 Private J Prendergast, 11560 Private M Prendergast, 8999 Private A Proctor, 11114 Private H Pugh.

9238 Private T Quail, 8761 Private M Quigley, 9108 Private J Quinlan, 11138 Corporal P Quinn.

8806 Private P Rafferty, 8875 Private J Redmond, 8713 Private C Reid, 11349 Private G Reilly, 5012 Private J Reilly, 10675 Private C Repley, 10016 Private P Rice, 5945 Lance-Corporal T Rice, 9183 Private M Roberts, 11378 Private R Rodgers, 11459 Private T Ronan, 8708 Private P Rooney, 9010 Private D Ryan, 9046 Private P Ryan, 11264 Private T Ryan, 9779 Private J Ryder.

7956 Sergeant G Sexton, 9783 Private M Shannon, 11454 Private R Sheeran, 8885 Corporal G Shepherd, 11338 Private J Sheridan, 6776 Private J Shine, 9517 Private W Short, 10679 Corporal F Smith, 8719 Private J Smith, 9366 Private T Smyth, 7895 Private J Stacey, 11470 Private F Stafford, 11573 Private E Stewart, 11511 Private W Stone, 10453 Corporal F Street, 9413 Private D Sullivan, 10891 Private W Sullivan, 9048 Private T Summer.

8826 Private P Taffe, 9152 Private T Taffe, 11304 Private T Talbot, 11245 Private M Tallon, 10277 Lance-Corporal J Thomas, 9610 Private P Tougher, 9417 Private P Tracey, 11164 Private T Tracey, 10826 Private M Traynor, 8926 Private M Tuite, 9404 Private E Tumey

11417 Private E Vaughan, 8829 Private E Vesey

9316 Private E Wade, 10791 Private G Walker, 11178 Private J Wall, 10134 Private F Walsh, 11195 Private J Walsh, 9614 Private L Walsh, 7667 Private W Walsh, 11507 Private P Walshe, 10984 Corporal B Watters, 7890 Private M Webster, 9345 Private J Weir, 8853 Private A Westwood, 16754 Private J Whelan, 10239 Private M Whelan, 5961 CSM C Williams, 11065 Private H Williams, 9471 Private W Willoughby, 6713 Private J Wilson, 11350 Private T Wilson, 10523 Sergeant E Winter, 9900 Corporal V Wright.

14 September 2018

Grenadier Guards - Other Rank PoWs 1914

There are 174 men on this list of men from the Grenadier Guards who were captured by the Germans on or before Christmas Day 1914. I have transcribed this data from the following Imperial War Museum collection:

B.O.2 1/174: a ten-page letter and list of Grenadier Guards sent by the Grenadier Guards Care Committee, Buckingham Palace Gate, London SW1 to Sir Ernest Goodhart on the 9th January 1919.

My full transcription of these men (not reproduced here) also contains the home address and/or next of kin address and date of capture of all of the men. 

The full transcription is available for sale for £25. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy.

For more information about these so-called 'Princess Mary tin PoWs' see my 1914 PoWs page. The majority of these men will also have records published by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Searching is free; finding your man is another matter entirely.

I research soldiers! 
Contact me if you need help.

12499 Guardsman A Aivey, 15752 Guardsman T Attwood, 13282 Lance-Corporal R A Ayres.

15004 Corporal H Bacchus, 16048 Guardsman George Bade, 15527 Guardsman Robert Barker, 12967 Drummer E E Baxter, 11668 Guardsman G Beddows, 14530 Guardsman Bell,  12441 Guardsman G E Bellingham, 15429 Guardsman H P Bennett, 16349 Guardsman J H Bird, 15227 Guardsman T Booth, 14896 Guardsman G Brearley, 13136 Lance-Sergeant J Bridges, 13775 Guardsman R Briggs, 16627 Guardsman T F Brookes, 10920 CQMS T A Buller, 11520 Guardsman G Burgess, 16414 Guardsman H J Butt, 16695 Guardsman W G Bygrave.

14099 Sergeant Cann, 13355 Guardsman W Cartwright, 12521 Guardsman W J Chafer, 15669 Guardsman R V Chapman, 12263 Guardsman P Child, 12468 Guardsman A Churchman, 13017 Guardsman E Clements, 16596 Guardsman J B Coe, 14367 Guardsman Collier, 13391 Guardsman J Collins, 12832 Guardsman T Collins, 14374 Guardsman Collins, 16134 Guardsman F J Crick.

13435 Guardsman F Darvill, 11213 Guardsman C Davies, 14309 Sergeant Davies, 13226 Guardsman F Dawson, 14796 Guardsman G Day, 15320 Guardsman A H Dickenson, 15580 Guardsman W Dodd, 16584 Lance-Corporal E F Dryer, 14517 Guardsman Durman, 15877 Guardsman A Dyde.

16013 Lance-Corporal D East, 15011 Guardsman E Ebdon, 14566 Guardsman J Ellaway, 11967 Guardsman H Etheridge.

16687 Guardsman W F Farthing, 11542 Guardsman John Fisher, 14141 Guardsman Fleet, 14443 Guardsman A Fortescue, 15033 Lance-Corporal J H Foster, 15433 Guardsman F P Franklin, 12765 Guardsman Frank Fry.

11827 Lance-Sergeant T J Gilson, 13219 Guardsman L Graham.

13558 Guardsman J Haytor, 11893 Guardsman F Haywood, 15973 Guardsman A E Hessell, 15912 Guardsman J T Hincks, 8111 Drummer-Sergeant Hogan, 15563 Guardsman M G Hollyer, 11102 Guardsman I E Hopwood, 14598 Lance-Sergeant E N Horwood, 16164 Guardsman A Hoskins, 13340 Guardsman F Howard, 12288 Guardsman F R Howe, 13871 Guardsman C E Howes.

11296 Guardsman G Jarvis, 12529 Guardsman F Jones, 12553 Guardsman T A Jones.

5988 Guardsman R Kelow, 14075 Drummer F Kimber , 15948 Guardsman T J Kite

14178 Guardsman A L Larkin, 13971 Guardsman J Llewellyn, 12148 Guardsman A D Lloyd, 12252 Guardsman A D Love, 14520 Guardsman Lovell.

14105 Guardsman Maggs, 11664 Guardsman W M Mann, 11664 Guardsman W M Mann, 14368 Guardsman W March, 16384 Lance-Corporal Arthur L Massey, 16608 Guardsman C Mawson, 12942 Lance-Corporal W T McCann, 15449 Guardsman G Miller, 12536 Guardsman W H Miller, 14602 Guardsman Mingay, 14129 Guardsman Minney, 13622 Lance-Sergeant H J Mitchell, 15332 Guardsman G A Moody, 15981 Guardsman E J Moore, 14251 Guardsman Morley, 12917 Guardsman J Mortimer.

14595 Guardsman Neal, 11692 Guardsman W H Noble

14278 Guardsman Orchard, 13647 Guardsman A Ould

12385 Guardsman H Paintin, 9016 Corporal F Palethorpe, 12660 Lance-Sergeant S Parish, 14661 Lance-Corporal T P Pickering, 16605 Guardsman Henry C Pickers, 16294 Guardsman S R Pierce, 14645 Guardsman Piper, 12283 Guardsman Isaac R Polley, 13574 Lance-Corporal S F Polston, 13697 Guardsman G Pratt, 16051 Lance-Corporal R J Price, 14710 Guardsman A G Prior, 15473 Guardsman S E Pritchard, 16663 Guardsman C Prosser, 14025 Guardsman W Prout, 12648 Guardsman W E Pynn.

14021 Guardsman F Ranson, 13870 Guardsman H Rathbone, 12505 Guardsman B Rawlings, 15475 Lance-Corporal E Raybould, 11199 Guardsman A E Reid, 10660 Drummer F Reynolds, 14848 Guardsman W J Reynolds, 15582 Guardsman E Rhodes, 14022 Guardsman J Richardson, 12855 Guardsman G W Ridge, 16894 Guardsman J S M Robinson, 14283 Guardsman Rolls, 11682 Guardsman W Rowbottom.

16308 Guardsman A Sampson, 15947 Guardsman Sidney George Saunders, 13867 Guardsman W T Scally, 10423 Guardsman J Scholes, 16502 Guardsman W G Screen, 15132 Guardsman J Spencer, 16245 Guardsman J Spragg, 13597 Guardsman T Stacey, 16565 Guardsman W H Stafford, 13711 Guardsman H J Staley, 13291 Guardsman J J Stapleton, 13795 Guardsman G Startin, 13168 Guardsman C Steeles, 14509 Guardsman Stephens, 11911 Guardsman F Stokes, 15572 Guardsman A Swinscoe.

16456 Guardsman S R Tate, 14992 Guardsman L Taylor, 12317 Lance-Corporal T Taylor, 12254 Guardsman F E Thomas, 15679 Guardsman R Thomas, 13667 Drummer T H Thompson, 14316 Guardsman Thompson, 12999 Guardsman J Towey, 10682 Sergeant J Townsend, 13814 Guardsman W Tupling, 15379 Guardsman A Tweedy, 13670 Guardsman G Tye.

14647 Lance-Sergeant A Varley, 12984 Guardsman H Walker, 13299 Guardsman R H Ward, 13152 Guardsman J Waring, 13930 Corporal A Warren, 13100 Guardsman T Watson, 11632 Guardsman J Wedge, 13137 Guardsman W Wesley, 13809 Guardsman G R West, 11475 Lance-Corporal T Wheatley, 15479 Guardsman C Wheeler, 16896 Guardsman A White, 12409 Lance-Sergeant S J Whitehead, 12649 Guardsman W Williams, 12214 Sergeant R Wood, 14680 Guardsman E Wright.

14436 Guardsman Frank A Young.

The image on this post shows men of the 1st Grenadier Guards in Cologne in 1919.

9 April 2017

Contemptible Little PoWs - The BEF incarcerated

Here's the slide-deck from the talk I gave on behalf of Findmypast at yesterday's WDYTYA session at the NEC in Birmingham. To all those who attended, thank you for coming.

Searching from the home page is only a realistic option if you are looking for an individual with an uncommon name. I have referred to Vernon Swatman in two posts on my Army Forms and Attestations blog. Here's one of those: Vernon Swatman's medical chart.

The documents you can typically expect to see returned in search results are transcriptions, images and PDFs.

From the home page select the search option and then choose whether to search across all records, search by category, or use the A-Z search (below).

The importance of wildcard searching cannot be under-stated. It is an extremely flexible and useful tool and you should use it with abandon. Failing to do so can seriously limit the results you can expect to see returned. The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders example below is a good example of this. Use the wildcard asterisk * with as many or as few letters as you like - and use it before and after text.

There are a number of stand-out series in Findmypast's Prisoners of War collection which covers the period 1715 to 1945. I drew attention to the records in WO 161 at The National Archives which is a series of PoW interviews conducted before the Armistice with men who had been interned, repatriated, or who had escaped. I have posted separately on Prisoner of War reports in WO 161 and included copies of the questions that were asked. This is a TERRIFIC series, worthy of serious study (not to mention further indexing).

The arrows in the image indicate the PoWs British Army cap badges and their tin badges which bear their PoW numbers.

It is common to see "P of W" written on the cards of many men who were captured in 1914; less common to see this on cards of men who were captured later than 1914. The number in the top left hand corner is an anachronistic reference to the regiment of foot; in this case the 50th regiment of Foot which was the pre July 1881 designation of the Royal West Kent Regiment.

A good example of a man with records in WO 364 (on the left) and WO 363 (the so-called "burnt documents"). The images below and in the slide after that, are Crown Copyright, The National Archives.

The images in the next two slides are also Crown Copyright, The National Archives.

The ICRC PoW collection is important but challenging to use. This is a site that would certainly benefit from improved indexing.

Some images give a wealth of information.  In the example above, in the space of three short lines, we are told date of birth, next of kin, date of capture, place of capture, the fact that the man was unwounded, and the company he was serving in. Terrific information.

This is not my image and I apologise for any infringement of copyright.

The screen grab above is from the auctioneers, Spink & Son.

Libraries probably hold out the nest hope of getting access to the Gale Cengage data. It is here that you will find images (albeit poor quality) of those lists of men who had become PoWs on or before 25th December 1914. Read more about this on my 1914 PoWs page. 

The Great War Forum is a great resource, as is The Long, Long Trail website and the Western Front Association site.

As well as the book above, also check out the British Red Cross and Order of St John Enquiry lists which are held by the IWM and which have been re-published by N&MP.

You are welcome to use and refer to these slides for your own non-commercial usage but I retain the copyright in the content and soldier images unless otherwise stated. 

And remember, I research soldiers!

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