Because I'm essentially a kind-hearted soul, I've included these men's home addresses in this extract of AOC men captured by the Germans on or before Christmas Day 1914. The source of this information is B.O.2 1/128, a two-page typed list sent by the Royal Army Ordnance Corps Prisoners of War Help Committee to Sir Ernest Goodhart on the 18th December 1918.
For more information on the collection of which these records form a small part, please read my 1914 PoWs page.
The unfortunate Pows are:
T184 Armourer Quartermaster-Sergeant W H Bonaker A944 Armourer Staff-Sergeant G Broome; 1 Selsey Avenue, Selsey Road, Smethwick 09847 Private E C Evans; 23 Elton Road, Mount Pleasant, Exeter T183 Acting Quartermaster-Sergeant W Farmer; 20 Malt Hill, Grantham A1093 Armourer Staff-Sergeant A Hudson; c/o Mrs T Coates, High Street, Helmsley (RSO), Yorks 026298 Private H J Marks; 35 Mortimer Street, Trowbridge, Wilts S6121 Acting Staff-Sergeant E McCahey; 3 Macoma Road, Plumstead, London A860 Armourer Quartermaster-Sergeant D J Niblock; 40 Newton Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham A/900 Armourer Staff-Sergeant W Nichols; 1 Melrose Avenue, Walford Road, Sparkbook, Birmingham 03668 Private J Palmer; 36 Lime Street, South Moor, Stanley, County Durham T969 Armourer Staff-Sergeant A K Trench; 66 Chesterfield Road, St Andrews Park, Bristol
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