British regimental number research. First World War research. Military research. British Army regiments. Regimental numbering sequences between 1881 and 1918. Regimental number series. Other rank prisoners of war 1914.
Showing posts with label Royal Scots Fusiliers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal Scots Fusiliers. Show all posts
27 August 2016
Royal Scots Fusiliers - other rank PoWs 1914
This is an edited roll of Other Ranks serving with the Royal Scots Fusiliers who were captured by the enemy and became Prisoners of War on or before the 25th December 1914. Read more about this data source on my 1914 PoWs page.
This data has been transcribed from a single source held at the Imperial War Museum, namely B.O.2 1/297 My full transcription (not reproduced here) also contains the following information against some or all of the names:
Home address
Date of capture
Date of repatriation
Next of kin
Next of kin's address
Transcriber's notes
There are 462 names on this list and you can buy a copy of it as a download or CD for £20. Contact me if you would like to purchase a copy. Any errors in transcription are my own:
I also offer a comprehensive, fast and cost-effective military history research service. Follow the link for more information.
9340 Corporal H Adams
6340 Private J Adams
6360 Private J Adeno
6466 Private James Airlie
8516 Private W Alder
10537 Private J Alexander
10173 Private T K Allan
4647 Private A Anderson
7809 Private C H Archer
10450 Private P Arnott
7362 Private J Auld
8981 Private G Bailey
6278 Private W Baillie
10302 Private H Baird
7895 Corporal W Bambridge
10705 Private T Bathe
9110 Private J T Batt
8063 Private W Baxter
7754 Sergeant J Bedford
10819 Private Henry Beinstadt
10213 Lance-Corporal H Bell
10015 Private J Bell
6830 Lance-Corporal T Bell
8506 Private W Bell
4771 Private A H Bellmaine
6060 Private T Bemrose
8345 Private J Bennett
8343 Private G W Berry
9475 Private R Berry
8473 Private Alexander Blair
8145 Private J Bowie
8323 Private Percy Bowsher
7421 Private Robert Brabrook
8247 Private J Brakewell
10453 Private J Bray
8496 Private P J Breadon
10452 Corporal C A Brewer
6418 Private J Brown
6456 Private William Brown
7963 Pte G Brunt
6615 Private J Brydon
10206 Private J Bryle
5487 Private J Buchanan
6446 Sergeant H G Bucher
9877 Private John Buckett
8883 Private A Bunce
5898 Private T Burne
10067 Private T Burns
9299 Lance-Corporal R Burrows
9399 Private Edward F OR Edgar F Burt
9052 Private H Burt
8929 Corporal H B Butcher
8877 Private W Butler
9624 Sergeant E Cable
6145 Private J Cairns
9948 Sergeant T Cairns
6687 Private J Caldwell
10847 Private G Campbell
7430 Private H Campbell
9584 Private James Campbell
6016 Private Rodger Campbell
10654 Corporal T Capewell
9964 Private Alexander Carnehan
10372 Private J C Carney
6684 Private H Cassidy
7748 Private J E Chatterton
7667 Private T Christie
9466 Private G T Clark
7882 Private John Clark
8948 Private W Clark
7485 Corporal F Clarke
6462 Private J Clarke
10255 Lance-Corporal E Coleman
9625 Private J Collins
6427 Acting Corporal T Collins
6700 Private J Connolly
10512 Private H Conroy
6321 Private F G Cooper
9192 Private F J Cooper
9228 Private J Cooper
8890 Sergeant Cornhill
8812 Corporal A Cornish
10741 Private A Coultart
9966 Private A C Courtney
6267 Private H Coyle
10515 Private T Coyle
9680 Private J Craig
7995 Private J Critchlow
10225 Corporal J E Cront
10620 Private H Cross
9840 Private W E Cruickshank
9017 Private A Currell
5591 Private J Currie
11034 Private L Cutler
6524 Private Ernest H Dagless
7779 Corporal M Dalaney
7660 Lance-Corporal W Dalby
5647 Private W J Dallas
10135 Private Felix Darcey
8891 Private W Daury
10540 Private Frederick De Rome
8501 Private G Dearman
7999 Private P C Defrates
7021 Private M Dempsey
9602 Private W Dennitto
10116 Lance-Corporal D Dickie
8917 Private J A Dillon
10354 Private C Disckson
6693 Private J Dobson
10360 Private S Dodwell
8244 Private D Donaldson
8828 Private J Donaldson
7782 Private J Donnelly
7492 Private A Douglas
6723 Private Joseph A Dowling
6904 Private Arthur Downs
9961 Private A Drinkwater
10032 Private L Drury
9036 Private W S Dudley
9071 Lance-Corporal W Duffield
8935 Private T Duffy
8554 Private A Duncan
8740 Lance-Sergeant D Duncan
11077 Private J Duncan
8321 Private W Duncan
9717 Private J W J Dye
9211 Private H Early
8205 Private H East
4453 Private J Easton
7319 Private J Eaton
6847 Private J Eaton
8422 Sergeant F Edlin
7216 Private R Edwards
9279 Private C Elgram
8057 Private W Ellam
9027 Private J Elliott
7007 Private J Ellis
10967 Private G Elwell
Private W A Emery
9267 Drummer J English
10401 Private E Fahy
8007 Private A Fairclough
8412 Lance-Corporal S E Fanes
7971 Private H Farrow
10153 Private J Fegan
5202 Private S Fegan
9439 Private J Feilding
9981 Private G Fensome
10780 Private A Fergus
7701 Private J Ferguson
10417 Private J Ferguson
9251 Private T Fisher
10836 Private W Fisher
10535 Private J Fitzpatrick
10823 Private R Flemming
6364 Private G Forsyth
9576 Private A Franklin
9007 Private F Franklin
8016 Private J Franks
7515 Private J Fraser
10844 Private J Frew
10721 Private E Friary
9838 Private A Fyfe
8579 Private R Gallagher
9959 Lance-Corporal R Gardener
10629 Corporal T J Gaynor
5656 Private W H George
10275 Private T Gibb
10744 Private R Gibson
8084 Private P Gilmore
10773 Private David Girvan
8675 Private E Glanville
10323 Private W Glenn
10748 Lance-Corporal Albert Gobell
6617 Private F Gorman
9938 Lance-Corporal P G Gorringe
10259 Private J Gough
9111 Private F Goulder
6138 Private G Graham
8660 Private J Graham
9167 Lance-Corporal J Greenwood
8054 Private A Gregg
8556 Private G Grieve
7898 Private J Guest
8218 Private J H Hall
10962 Private Harold Halliday
10603 Private W Halliman
9153 Private J Hamilton
7372 Private J Hannan
11071 Corporal William Hanslip
8070 Private James Hardie
10627 Private Thomas Harris
10827 Private Harold Hemm
10469 Private A Henderson
9456 Private R Henderson
8882 Private A R Herbert
8059 Private S Heron
10304 Private Edwin Hodson
5874 Private Harry Holdsworth
9436 Private W Holsgrove
7013 Sergeant William W Home
7961 Private Frederick G Hooper
6894 Private Joseph Hopkins
10860 Private D Horne
10384 Private A Howell
9002 Private Richard Howell
9078 Private G Hudson
7907 Private George Hudson
6533 Private Andrew Huldberg
Private D Hume
10129 Private A Hunter
7010 Private R Hunter
10438 Private W Hunter
6277 Private Thomas Hutton
8017 Private W Inglis
5310 CQMS A Johnston
6568 Corporal E Johnston
9513 Private P Johnston
8502 Lance-Corporal J J Johnstone
8442 Private S Johnstone
6234 Private W Johnstone
9688 Private T Jukes
9794 Corporal W T Jupp
7340 Private H Keir
7266 Private T Kelly
11092 Private J Kennedy
9207 Private E J Kent
9482 Private J Kimber
10029 Private L Kimberley
9287 Private A J J King
10215 Private G King
7185 Corporal P King
5167 Private John Kinnon
6630 Private J Kirkham
6826 Private T Kirkland
10338 Corporal W Kirkland
9559 Private J Kydd
7749 Private G Langdown
8051 Private G H Laurence
9100 Private A Lawrence
9577 Lance-Corporal Thomas H Ledgett
7745 Private P Lennox
10994 Private A Lester
8853 Private P Lewis
8756 Private E Lightheart
7432 Private J Little
9872 Bandsman J N Lock
6519 Private Thomas Lonie
8171 Private P Love
7122 Private S Lunt
10146 Private D Lyle
6635 Private E Lynas
8714 Private A Mackenzie
8174 Private G Malone
9028 Private H Malone
7950 Private J Mann
6148 Private W Mann
9700 Private T Manners
7146 Private W J Marsh
11098 Private G J Marshall
9919 Lance-Sergeant A C Martin
1108 Private G Martin
8880 Private G F Martin
7179 Private A Mathieson
8679 Private W May
7840 Private J McArthur
7472 Corporal P McAulay
10490 Private D McCallum
10498 Private M McCallum
8222 Private J McCann
9929 Private George McClarnon
7062 Private J McClement
6845 Private A McClure
8841 Private R McCutcheon
9519 Private William McDermott
7407 Private F McDonald
6870 Private J McDonald
10293 Private R McDonald
9459 Private J McDonough
9511 Private A McDougall
8876 Private A G McEwan
10226 Private A McGarva
10485 Private J McGinlay
9696 Private W McGregor
8191 Private W McGuigan
8629 Private A McIntyre
10086 Private P McKay
9004 Private L F McKeever
10237 Private John McKerrow
9467 Private W McKinn
10919 Private H McLaughlan
7730 Private D McMillan
10262 Acting Sergeant Robert McNaught
10218 Private Edward McNeill
10558 Private A McRoberts
10451 Private John McRosty
7361 Private G McWalter
6342 Acting Sergeant W Mead
8294 Lance-Corporal G E Mealing
7295 Private A Meechan
6697 Private A M Meikle
7841 Private John Meiklejohn
10568 Private A Menzies
10230 Private E S Meredith
5919 Sergeant G W Metcalfe
8475 Private W T Miles
6015 Private A Miller
6579 Private J Miller
7451 Private W Miller
9508 Private D Mitchell
5754 CSM D Mitchell
10578 Private W Montgomery
9971 Private R Moore
8355 Private W E Morley
9932 Private S Morris
8064 Private F Mortimer
7088 Private Ernest W H Mower
9588 Private Joseph Muirhead
9629 Private H Mungall
8644 Private W Murray
7778 Private G Nash
8509 Private J Nathan
10362 Private J Navrie
6384 Private R Nelson
7484 Private Thomas Nerney
9953 Private C H Newall
8230 Corporal C H Newport
10227 Private H Nineham
8892 Private Thomas G Niner
4788 Sergeant Arthur Norman
8049 Private J O'Brien
7736 Private W O'Connor
9791 Private John Orman
8515 Private James Ormerod
9077 Lance-Corporal S Osborne
10347 Private Edward Owen
9666 Private S Owen
6180 Private Philip James Packer
6987 Private J Parker
9390 Private H A D Patterson
9380 Lance-Corporal W Patterson
10572 Private A Peibles
8976 Private William J A Perkins
9607 Private M Philomay
11009 Private G Phipps
9443 Lance-Corporal S Picton
10846 Private A Polson
6915 Private Frederick Powell
9956 Private T Powell
10245 Private A J Pyne
8597 Private A Quail
10365 Private J Quigley
6628 Private J Quin
7453 Private T Rainbird
10392 Private T Rattray
9314 Private A E Razey
8363 Private F Read
10268 Private John Reilly
8580 Private M Reilly
10103 Lance-Sergeant A Reppington
10192 Lance-Corporal J Richardson
10609 Corporal S J Ricketts
9914 Lance-Corporal Percy Riddle
10279 Private Hugh Riley
11001 Private S J Riley
10517 Private W Ritchie
6948 Sergeant T G Roberts
6447 Private J Roberts
9328 Private J Robertson
10659 Private J Robertson
10765 Private T Robertson
10559 Corporal W Robertson
9832 Private James Robson
10881 Private Arthur E Rogers
10115 Private W Ross
9367 Private J Roxburgh
10488 Private Edward Ryder
8086 Private C Sadler
10231 Private H Samms
10248 Private A Savage
10647 Private J Scallon
9733 Private J H Scarborough
6661 Private T Scott
6421 Private J Shields
8441 Private Joseph Shulver
10503 Private C W G Shuttle
10216 Private W Siddons
7333 Private J Simpson
8618 Private P Sinclair
7881 Private J Slaven
10611 Private David Slavin
6649 Private J Sloan
7896 Private H Smith
8927 Private H J Smith
9653 Lance-Corporal H J Smith
7833 Private J Smith
10792 Corporal J Smith
5511 Private R Smith
7318 Private W Smith
10188 Private W E Smith
7926 Lance-Corporal H Smythe
7153 Private J G Southern
8053 Private T Southern
8402 Private M H Stanborough
9256 Private C Starkie
10399 Private J Steedman
6756 Private P Steele
5344 Private Sydney B Stephens
7861 Private A Stevens
6897 Private M Summers
8916 Private F W Sutton
9621 Private D Tait
9744 Private J Taylor
9015 Private A Thompson
6004 Private E Thomson
8158 Private S Thomson
9665 Private T Thomson
9421 Private W Thomson
6414 Private D Thonbull
9181 Private Albert Thorn
8555 Private John Thornton
9690 Private F T Threadgould
9226 Lance-Corporal J H Thurstow
7495 Private P A Titmas
10878 Private J J Treadway
6733 Private H Tucknott
Private Alexander Turner
7801 Private J Turner
9830 Private J Urquhart
9066 Lance-Corporal T Varley
10889 Private J Venable
10461 Private R Vernon
9042 Private A Vincent
8023 Private G Walker
10301 Private J Walker
8508 Lance-Corporal J Wallace
10396 Private J Walls
6560 Private E Ward
8284 Lance-Corporal F Ward
8337 Private J Warner
5375 Private C Warren
7856 Private H Watson
16138 Private J H Watson
9681 Private T Watson
8739 Sergeant W Watson
5455 Private J Watt
8919 Private A Weaving
7755 Lance-Corporal H Whittington
9132 Private H Wiggs
11091 Private J Wightman
8905 Private F Wilkinson
6502 Private J Wilkinson
6359 Private M Wilkinson
8207 Private G Williams
9807 Private P Williamson
8075 Private A Wilson
7265 Private J Wilson
9530 Private T Wilson
10857 Private T Wishart
8893 Private George A Withers
10641 Private E A Wood
10700 Private J Wrigley
19 May 2010
Royal Scots Fusiliers - 3rd (Special Reserve) Bn
This post will look at numbering in the 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers between its formation in 1908 and the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914.
The 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion was the natural heir of the 3rd Militia battalion and like the majority of Special and Extra Reserve battalions, continued with the same number series that had been used by its militia ancestor. A glance at 1908 enlistments for the 3rd (SR) Battalion shows a whole range of numbers dating way back into the 1890s.
Coincidentally, the regiment's two Territorial Force Battalions - the 4th and 5th Battalions - when they were formed in April 1908, also continued with the number series that had been in use by their Volunteer Battalion predecessors.
All of the information below is taken from surviving service records in the WO 363 and WO364 series at the National Archives - and now available on-line via
4111 joined on 2nd August 1908 (but he had originally joined the 3rd Militia Battalion in March 1899 and the number dates to then).
5617 joined on 15th May 1909
5937 joined on 2nd April 1910
6162 joined on 13th April 1911
6342 joined on 22nd February 1912
6571 joined on 9th June 1913
6678 joined on 5th January 1914
6831 joined on 8th August 1914
Also see my post on numbering in the regular battalions of the Royal Scots Fusiliers between 1881 and 1914.
I also offer a comprehensive, fast and cost-effective military history research service. Follow the link for more information.
The 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion was the natural heir of the 3rd Militia battalion and like the majority of Special and Extra Reserve battalions, continued with the same number series that had been used by its militia ancestor. A glance at 1908 enlistments for the 3rd (SR) Battalion shows a whole range of numbers dating way back into the 1890s.
Coincidentally, the regiment's two Territorial Force Battalions - the 4th and 5th Battalions - when they were formed in April 1908, also continued with the number series that had been in use by their Volunteer Battalion predecessors.
All of the information below is taken from surviving service records in the WO 363 and WO364 series at the National Archives - and now available on-line via
4111 joined on 2nd August 1908 (but he had originally joined the 3rd Militia Battalion in March 1899 and the number dates to then).
5617 joined on 15th May 1909
5937 joined on 2nd April 1910
6162 joined on 13th April 1911
6342 joined on 22nd February 1912
6571 joined on 9th June 1913
6678 joined on 5th January 1914
6831 joined on 8th August 1914
Also see my post on numbering in the regular battalions of the Royal Scots Fusiliers between 1881 and 1914.
I also offer a comprehensive, fast and cost-effective military history research service. Follow the link for more information.
19 June 2009
Royal Scots Fusiliers - 1st & 2nd Battalions

This post will look at army service numbers and the dates on which they were issued to men joining the regular battalions - the 1st and 2nd Battalions - of the Royal Scots Fusiliers between 1882 and June 1914.
There are over 33,000 Royal Scots Fusiliers service and pension records (for this regiment - and its
antecedents) in various War Office series held at the National Archives.
Clicking on the link will take you to the results on Findmypast but you
will need a subscription or Pay-Per-View credits to actually view the
records. Some of these records can also be viewed on-line on Ancestry although
Findmypast has by far the most comprehensive service record collection.
Use the regimental numbers and dates on which these were issued, below,
to determine parameters for when your own Royal Scots Fusiliers ancestor would
have joined up. Note though that these numbers are only for regular
enlistments. Special Reserve and Territorial Force battalions operated
completely separate regimental number sequences.
Prior to July 1881 The Royal Scots Fusiliers had been (since a name change in 1877) the 21st (Royal Scots Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot. My data currently begins in 1882 and so that's where I'll start from.
86 joined on 12th July 1882
222 joined on 16th January 1883
710 joined on 2nd May 1884
1068 joined on 14th March 1885
1428 joined on 22nd February 1886
2018 joined on 29th April 1887
2255 joined on 23rd February 1888
2509 joined on 8th January 1889
2794 joined on 13th February 1890
3329 joined on 18th April 1891
3629 joined on 18th April 1892
4100 joined on 21st April 1893
4517 joined on 20th February 1894
4556 Pte Arthur Prestwood joined the 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers on 24th April 1894 and would spend the majority of his early military career in India, seeing service during the Punjab Frontier, Samana and Tirah campaigns in the late 1890s. Working his way through the ranks and finishing as Colour Sergeant, Arthur Prestwood was commissioned in August 1914, landed in France on 15th September 1914 and was severely wounded at Hooge the following June. After recuperating he spent the remainder of the war with the 3rd RSF in England. He retired from the army in 1921 and died, aged 94 in 1970. I hold Captain Prestwood's medals and you can read more about him on my British Army Medals blog.
4822 joined on 2nd January 1895
5089 joined on 4th February 1896
5437 joined on 8th July 1897
5728 joined on 8th February 1898
6012 joined on 24th January 1899
6492 joined on 5th January 1900
6728 joined on 20th March 1901
7046 joined on 4th January 1902
7386 joined on 6th January 1903
8067 joined on 29th January 1904
8518 joined on 10th January 1905
8762 joined on 27th January 1906
9439 joined on 4th July 1907
9639 joined on 29th June 1908
9824 joined on 23rd February 1909
10173 joined on 29th July 1910
10352 joined on 4th April 1911
10563 joined on 26th February 1912
10851 joined on 7th May 1913
11089 joined on 20th June 1914
Six weeks later, when Britain went to war with Germany, the newly forming service battalions issued numbers from the same series that had, up until that point, been used solely by the two regular battalions of the Royal Scots Fusiliers.
Photo: unknown WW1 era soldier from the author's collection.
Also see: Royal Scots Fusiliers - 3rd (Special Reserve) Battalion 1908-1914
Further Reading
Historical Record and Regimental Memoir of the Royal Scots Fusiliers
The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers 1678-1918
I also offer a comprehensive, fast and cost-effective military history research service. Follow the link for more information.
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