3 April 2012

14th (King's) Hussars 1881-1906

This post will look at numbering in the 14th (King's) Hussars between 1881 and 1906. 1881 is an arbitrary date chosen to conform with the parameters of this blog, but as can be seen above, the regiment had a long history.  December 1906 was when numbering in the line cavalry changed from numbering by regiment to numbering by corps.

The database and information on this blog have been compiled as a result of studying service records in WO 97 (British Army pensions to 1913), WO 363 (WW1 service records) and WO 364 (WW1 pension records).  All of these series are now online.  Click on the links for further information.

2042 joined on 16th September 1881
2076 joined on 2nd January 1882
2151 joined on 16th March 1883
2361 joined on 2nd January 1884
2503 joined on 16th July 1885
2590 joined on 2nd June 1886
2664 joined on 27th April 1887
2774 joined on 18th January 1888
2850 joined on 24th January 1889
2948 joined on 21st January 1890
3056 joined on 4th March 1891
3151 joined on 8th July 1892
3221 joined on 11th January 1893
3303 joined on 24th January 1894
3408 joined on 2nd January 1895
3529 joined on 27th January 1896
3675 joined on 5th May 1897
3817 joined on 9th May 1898
4086 joined on 16th January 1899
4347 joined on 6th February 1900
4500 joined on 9th March 1901
4812 joined on 12th March 1902
5058 joined on 5th June 1903
5161 joined on 14th April 1904
5344 joined on 3rd February 1905
5562 joined on 1st January 1906

In late 1906 or early 1907, numbering in the cavalry changed and numbers were allocated to corps rather than to individual regiments within those corps. 

For further reading see:

1. Queen's & King's Regulations: regimental numbering
2. Cavalry numbering in 1906.

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